The Porter Page

I went to college at Northland, then came home and married my wonderful husband, Sam, in 2004. We currently live in Honolulu, HI with our dog Magnum.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Preview

This is from my cousin Jackie's bridal shower. She is getting married in 2 days!!!! Yeah! :-) It's my mom and Anna...we had a lot of fun that day. I figured I would give a preview of the pictures... more to come!

For Keara!

So my friend Brooke's son, Luke, turned one yesterday! I volunteered to make the cake for his jungle themed party... so here are the results. :-)

My monkey and tiger (sugar free) cupcakes (even the frosting was reduced sugar)

The end result!

Close up shot... there is a hippo in the river, a money, giraffe, elephant, and lions. The palm trees are pretzel rods and construction paper. :-)

My kitchen when I was through! What a mess!

Me not wanting to clean up! I will cook the whole day and not care, I even enjoy it, but I hate cleaning up after! You can tell by the look on my face huh :-)

For those of you waiting for pictures of out trip, I'm getting to them. I'm waiting for Sam to download some of the pictures from his phone. I've also been working this past week... I've taken a last minute job at the Preschool. So I have been busy! Anyway I will get the pictures posted soon!!!!!! :-)

Monday, August 13, 2007

Sharon's wedding

sorry having problems w/the computer... will add more later once I figure out the problem!