The Porter Page

I went to college at Northland, then came home and married my wonderful husband, Sam, in 2004. We currently live in Honolulu, HI with our dog Magnum.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Peanut Butter and Rootbeer

Who needs TV when you got a dog for entertainment! The other night we had a blast with an empty peanut butter jar and Magnum.

He kept rolling the jar around trying to get to all the good stuff.

He's a smart one! He used his paw to hold the jar down and keep it from rolling too much. I don't have a picture of this, but he would gently bite the lip of the jar and carry it to his pillow so it didn't roll around as much. It was too funny!

You can see his tongue!

This picture cracks me up! He's got his WHOLE face in there!

He licked the jar clean! It's funny to see how he couldn't reach the very bottom.

He needed some IBC rootbeer to wash it all down.

What a FUNNY dog we have!

*for those concerned about our dog, we really didn't give him rootbeer. No pets were harmed during this photo shoot*

Friday, September 15, 2006

Some of my Favorite people

Here are some pictures we took a year ago, when we went to the mainland to visit our families. Here we are in Chicago, visiting my family and seeing the sights. We walked around downtown, and tried to go to the zoo, but it was closed. I should also mention that it was COLD! Definitely not weather we are used to. :-) Anyway, my little sisters just love Sam, as you can see. Every time I call home, my family's like "When is Sam coming to visit?" Nothing about me, or how they want me to visit... just Sam (and the dog). No wonder I have a complex. :-)

Sam & Miriam

Sam & Anna

So, there are other issues weighing on my heart, but I think I will save that for another day. If you think about it, please pray for me I have been going through a lot lately, health wise. I'm too chicken to share it with everyone online... since it is kinda personal. I don't mind sharing. I've let go of my pride and I want people to pray for me, so if you know me and want more details give me a call or e-mail me. Thanks guys. I love you!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Remembering 9-11

By Christy Porche
We see the flag
waving in the air,
we dread that September day
and think of that great scare.

We see the planes hit
everyone starts to cry,
who’s doing this
terrible thing and why?

Remembering where it once stood,
well now it's Ground Zero,
wondering about the people
who went down as a hero.

As we are praying
here hand-in-hand,
there’s one thing to be said,