The Porter Page

I went to college at Northland, then came home and married my wonderful husband, Sam, in 2004. We currently live in Honolulu, HI with our dog Magnum.

Friday, November 10, 2006

I'm still alive :-)

Ok all, it's been such a long time since I've written an update so here it goes... Sam has been gone for 2 weeks and has started his training in Texas. He is keeping very busy, but we still get to talk for at least 5 minutes every day. Everything with me was pretty normal until this past weekend. It started off with some lower back pain which I though was just sciatica problems... so I went in to the Chiropractor on Monday then had a doctor's appointment afterward. Nothing (the medicine they prescribed) seemed to help. By Tuesday I couldn't walk, sit, use the bathroom, or lay without pain. Sam called later that afternoon and insisted on calling a friend and an ambulance. I said no, and proceeded to have a break down... To make a long story short, He won and I rode up to the ER in an ambulance and spend the next 6 hours up there trying to stop the pain and figure out what was wrong with me. I had a U.T.I, sciatica problems, and a kidney stone. :-) So they sent me home all drugged up, and I spent the night by the toilet... my body did not like the drugs! Anyway the kidney stone is way too large for me to pass, so I am having surgery this Monday to remove it. I've never had surgery before and I'm kinda nervous. Sam can not leave his training, and my mom can't come, so it's definitely going to be a lesson on sole dependence on God. I jokingly told Sam I expected the car to break down once he left, but not me! :-) I would appreciate your prayers, my surgery will be Monday morning and hopefully it will be an out-patient surgery. I hope I didn't forget anything... these med's are making me really loopy! ;-) If anyone wants to come visit, and be my nurse just let me know!

Well Mr. Osborne it may not be kidney stones after all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I will be thinking about you and praying for you. I SO wish I could be there for you on Monday.

Love ya!


2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, we will definatly be praying for you. I really hope the surgery goes well. Make sure that your friends take care of you . . . I know you feel bad asking for help. . . but trust me you'll be thankful!!
Love ya,

5:47 PM  
Blogger Ken & Jen Schmidt said...

I will be praying for you on Monday (and after for your recovery). I would definitely come help if I could! I hope everything goes smoothly. I'll have to tell you Ken's dad's kidney stone story someday. Briefly, he had a kidney stone attack the day before our wedding and the dr. couldn't do anything for him right then, so he performed our whole ceremony in horrible pain with a terrible grimace on his face. The pictures are definitely funny to look at now. I hope all goes well! Keep us posted as you can! Love you, Jen

3:53 AM  
Blogger Kelli said...

Christina - I will be praying for you as you have your surgery this morning. I pray that someone will be able to spend the next few days with you as you recuperate! Wish I could help, but the most help I can be is to pray for you!! Hope you are better soon.

7:27 AM  
Blogger sc3b said...

So, what are you doing posting on my blog? Aren't you supposed to be having surgery?!!! Well, we are praying for you and hope that all goes well. My sister is in Hawaii now, should I send her over? (I'm not sure exactly where she is). We go to Northland Thurs. for their high school basketball tournament and will see Mark & Jen!!!! Yeah! Can't wait. Get lots of rest!! We love you!

9:49 AM  

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